The Quest by Pío Baroja
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I "The Regeneration of Footgear" and "The Lion of the Bootmaker's Art"--The First Sunday--An Escapade--_El Bizco_ and his Gang II The "Big Yard" or Uncle Rilo's House--Local Enmities III Roberto Hastings at the Shoemaker's--The Procession of Beggars--Court of Miracles IV Life in the Cobbler's Shop--Manuel's Friends V La Blasa's Tavern VI Roberto in Quest of a Woman--_El Tabuenca_ and his Inventions--Don Alonso or the Snake-Man VII The _Kermesse_ on Pasion Street--"The Dude"--A Cafe Chantant VIII Leandro's Irresolution--In La Blasa's Tavern--The Man with the Three Cards--The Duel with _Valencia_ IX An Unlikely Tale--Manuel's Sisters--Life's Baffling Problems PART THREE I Uncle Patas' Domestic Drama--The Bakery--Karl the Baker--The Society of the Three II One of the Many Disagreeable Ways of Dying in Madrid--The |