Plays: the Father; Countess Julie; the Outlaw; the Stronger by August Strindberg
page 103 of 215 (47%)
page 103 of 215 (47%)
thrived best in the kitchen or the stable, but she must always
drive tandem--never one horse! She would go about with soiled cuffs but she had to have the Count's crest on her cuff buttons. And as for Miss Julie, she doesn't take much care of her appearance either. I should say she isn't refined. Why just now out there she pulled the forester from Anna's side and asked him to dance with her. We wouldn't do things that way. But when the highborn wish to unbend they become vulgar. Splendid she is though! Magnificent! Ah, such shoulders and-- KRISTIN. Oh, don't exaggerate. I've heard what Clara says who dresses her sometimes, I have. JEAN. Ha! Clara--you women are always jealous of each other. I who've been out riding with her--!!! And such a dancer! KRISTIN. Come now, Jean, don't you want to dance with me when I'm through? JEAN. Of course I want to. KRISTIN. That is a promise? JEAN. Promise! When I say I will do a thing I do it! Thanks for the supper--it was excellent. [Pushes cork in the bottle with a bang. Miss Julie appears in doorway, speaking to someone outside.] JULIE. I'll be back soon, but don't let things wait for me. |