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Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882 by Various
page 3 of 139 (02%)
and Oxygen. By HAROLD B. DIXON.

Composition of Beers Made Partly from New Grain.

III. BOTANY, HORTICULTURE, ETC.--Double Buttercups.--1 figure.

Ligustrum Quihoui.--1 figure.

Raphiolepis Japonica.--1 figure.

Rivina Laevis.

Apples in Store.

IV. ELECTRICITY, LIGHT, HEAT. ETC.--Before it happened.--
How the telegraph gets ahead of time.

The Ader Relay.--By R.G. BROWN.

The Platinum Water Pyrometer.--By J.C. HOADLEY. 2 figures.
--Description of apparatus.--Heat carriers.--Manipulating.

V. HYGIENE AND MEDICINE. ETC.--The British Sanitary Congress.
--Address of President Galton.--The causes of disease. Researches
of Pasteur, Lister, Koch, Klebs, etc--Germ theory of
malaria.--Cholera.--The water question.--Effects of sewering.--
Influence of smoke and fogs.--Importance of a circulation of air.
--Health conditions of different classes.--Economic advantages of
sanitary measures.

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