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The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 3 by Émile Zola
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Hotel of the Apparitions. He had gone to bed at eleven o'clock the night
before and had awoke feeling quite fresh and gay. As soon as he was
dressed he entered the adjoining room which Pierre occupied; but the
young priest, who had not returned to the hotel until past one in the
morning, with his blood heated by insomnia, had been unable to doze off
until daybreak and was now still slumbering. His cassock flung across a
chair, his other garments scattered here and there, testified to his
great weariness and agitation of mind.

"Come, come, you lazybones!" cried M. de Guersaint gaily; "can't you hear
the bells ringing?"

Pierre awoke with a start, quite surprised to find himself in that little
hotel room into which the sunlight was streaming. All the joyous peals of
the bells, the music of the chiming, happy town, moreover, came in
through the window which he had left open.

"We shall never have time to get to the hospital before eight o'clock to
fetch Marie," resumed M. de Guersaint, "for we must have some breakfast,

"Of course, make haste and order two cups of chocolate. I will get up at
once, I sha'n't be long," replied Pierre.

In spite of the fatigue which had already stiffened his joints, he sprang
out of bed as soon as he was alone, and made all haste with his toilet.
However, he still had his head in the washing basin, ducking it in the
fresh, cool water, when M. de Guersaint, who was unable to remain alone,
came back again. "I've given the order," said he; "they will bring it up.
Ah! what a curious place this hotel is! You have of course seen the
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