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Fritiofs Saga by Esaias Tegner
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Introduction, Bibliography, Notes, and Vocabulary _Edited by_


Ever since the establishment, many years ago, of courses in Swedish in a
few American colleges and universities the need of Swedish texts,
supplied with vocabularies and explanatory notes after the model of the
numerous excellent German and French editions, has been keenly felt.
This need has become particularly pressing the last three years during
which Swedish has been added to the curricula of a large number of high
schools. The teachers in Swedish in these high schools as well as in
colleges and universities have been greatly handicapped in their work by
the lack of properly edited texts. It is clearly essential to the success
of their endeavor to create an interest in the Swedish language and its
literature, at the same time maintaining standards of scholarship that
are on a level with those maintained by other modern foreign language
departments, that a plentiful and varied supply of text material be
furnished. The present edition of Tegnér's Fritiofs Saga aims to be a
modest contribution to the series of Swedish texts that in the most
recent years have been published in response to this urgent demand.
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