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Racketty-Packetty House by Frances Hodgson Burnett
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As told by Queen Crosspatch

Frances Hodgson Burnett
Author of "Little Lord Fauntleroy"

With illustrations by Harrison Cady

[Transcribers note: see frontispiece.jpg, dance.jpg and fairy.jpg]

Now this is the story about the doll family I liked and the doll
family I didn't. When you read it you are to remember something I
am going to tell you. This is it: If you think dolls never do
anything you don't see them do, you are very much mistaken. When
people are not looking at them they can do anything they choose.
They can dance and sing and play on the piano and have all sorts of
fun. But they can only move about and talk when people turn their
backs and are not looking. If any one looks, they just stop.
Fairies know this and of course Fairies visit in all the dolls'
houses where the dolls are agreeable. They will not associate,
though, with dolls who are not nice. They never call or leave their
cards at a dolls' house where the dolls are proud or bad tempered.
They are very particular. If you are conceited or ill-tempered
yourself, you will never know a fairy as long as you live.

Queen Crosspatch.

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