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In Troubadour-Land - A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc by S. (Sabine) Baring-Gould
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With Murray, Baedeker, Guide Joanne, and half-a-dozen others--all
describing, and describing with exactness, the antiquities and scenery--the
writer of a little account of Provence and Languedoc is driven to give much
of personal incident. When he attempts to describe what objects he has
seen, he is pulled up by finding all the information he intended to give in
Murray or in Baedeker or Joanne. If he was in exuberant spirits at the time,
and enjoyed himself vastly, he is unable, or unwilling, to withhold from
his readers some of the overflow of his good spirits. That is my apology to
the reader. If he reads my little book when his liver is out of order, or
in winter fogs and colds--he will call me an ass, and I must bear it. If he
is in a cheerful mood himself, then we shall agree very well together.



_October 28, 1890._


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