Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, 2 Peter by R F Weymouth
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Book 61 2 Peter
001:001 Simon Peter, a bondservant and Apostle of Jesus Christ: To those to whom there has been allotted the same precious faith as that which is ours through the righteousness of our God and of our Saviour Jesus Christ. 001:002 May more and more grace and peace be granted to you in a full knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 001:003 seeing that His divine power has given us all things that are needful for life and godliness, through our knowledge of Him who has appealed to us by His own glorious perfections. 001:004 It is by means of these that He has granted us His precious and wondrous promises, in order that through them you may, one and all, become sharers in the very nature of God, having completely escaped the corruption which exists in the world through earthly cravings. 001:005 But for this very reason--adding, on your part, all earnestness-- along with your faith, manifest also a noble character: along with a noble character, knowledge; 001:006 along with knowledge, self-control; along with self-control, power of endurance; 001:007 along with power of endurance, godliness; along with godliness, brotherly affection; and along with brotherly affection, love. 001:008 If these things exist in you, and continually increase, they prevent your being either idle or unfruitful in advancing towards a full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 001:009 For the man in whom they are lacking is blind and cannot see distant objects, in that he has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his old sins. 001:010 For this reason, brethren, be all the more in earnest to make sure that God has called you and chosen you; |