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Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883 by Various
page 41 of 136 (30%)
[Illustration: A MANSARD ROOF DWELLING. First Floor.]

[Illustration: A MANSARD ROOF DWELLING. Second Floor.]

These plans will prove suggestive to those contemplating the building
of a new house, even if radical changes are made in the accompanying
designs.--_American Cultivator_.

[Illustration: A MANSARD ROOF DWELLING. Front Elevation.]

* * * * *


[Footnote: Aug. Guerout in _La Lurmiere Electrique_.]

An endeavor has often been made to carry the origin of the electric
telegraph back to a very remote epoch by a reliance on those more or
less fanciful descriptions of modes of communication based upon the
properties of the magnet.

It will prove not without interest before entering into the real history
of the telegraph to pass in review the various documents that relate to
the subject.

In continuation of the 21st chapter of his _Magia naturalis_, published
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