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The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish by James Fenimore Cooper
page 23 of 496 (04%)
of felling the timber by a single crop. In this spot, straggling, girdled,
and consequently dead trees, piles of logs, and black and charred stubs,
were seen deforming the beauty of a field, that would, otherwise, have
been striking from its deep setting in the woods. Much of the surface of
this opening, too, was now concealed by bushes of what is termed the
second growth; though, here and there, places appeared, in which the
luxuriant white clover, natural to the country, had followed the close
grazing of the flocks. The eyes of Mark were bent, inquiringly, on this
clearing, which, by an air line, might have been half a mile from the
place where his horse had stopped, for the sounds of a dozen differently
toned cow-bells were brought, on the still air of the evening, to his
ears; from among its bushes.

The evidences of civilization were the least equivocal, however, on and
around a natural elevation in the land, which arose so suddenly on the
very bank of the stream, as to give to it the appearance of a work of art.
Whether these mounds once existed everywhere on the face of the earth, and
have disappeared before long tillage and labor, we shall not presume to
conjecture; but we have reason to think that they occur much more
frequently in certain parts of our own country, than in any other
familiarly known to ordinary travellers; unless perhaps it may be in some
of the valleys of Switzerland. The practised veteran had chosen the summit
of this flattened cone, for the establishment of that species of military
defence, which the situation of the country, and the character of the
enemy he had to guard against, rendered advisable, as well as customary.

The dwelling was of wood, and constructed of the ordinary frame-work,
with its thin covering of boards. It was long, low, and irregular;
bearing marks of having been reared at different periods, as the wants of
an increasing family had required additional accommodation. It stood near
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