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The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish by James Fenimore Cooper
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The early annals of our history are not wanting in touching and noble
examples of savage heroism. Virginia has its legend of the powerful
Powhatan and his magnanimous daughter, the ill-requited Pocahontas; and
the chronicles of New-England are filled with the bold designs and daring
enterprises of Miantonimoh, of Metacom, and of Conanchet. All the
last-named warriors proved themselves worthy of better fates, dying in a
cause and in a manner, that, had it been their fortunes to have lived in a
more advanced state of society, would have enrolled their names among the
worthies of the age.

The first serious war, to which the settlers of New-England were exposed,
was the struggle with the Pequods. This people was subdued after a fierce
conflict; and from being enemies, all, who were not either slain or sent
into distant slavery, were glad to become the auxiliaries of their
conquerors. This contest occurred within less than twenty years after the
Puritans had sought refuge in America.

There is reason to believe that Metacom foresaw the fate of his own
people, in the humbled fortunes of the Pequods. Though his father had been
the earliest and constant friend of the whites, it is probable that the
Puritans owed some portion of this amity to a dire necessity. We are told
that a terrible malady had raged among the Wampanoags but a short time
before the arrival of the emigrants, and that their numbers had been
fearfully reduced by its ravages. Some authors have hinted at the
probability of this disease having been the yellow fever, whose
visitations are known to be at uncertain, and, apparently, at very distant
intervals. Whatever might have been the cause of this destruction of his
people, Massassoit is believed to have been induced, by the consequences,
to cultivate the alliance of a nation, who could protect him against the
attacks of his ancient and less afflicted foes. But the son appears to
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