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Scientific American Supplement, No. 433, April 19, 1884 by Various
page 2 of 129 (01%)
Treatment of Ores by Electrolysis.--By M. KILIANI.

II. ENGINEERING, AND MECHANICS.--Electric Railway at Vienna.--With

Instruction in Mechanical Engineering.--Technical and trade
education.--A course of study sketched out.--By Prof. R.H.

Improved Double Boiler.--3 figures.

The Gardner Machine Gun.--With three engravings showing the
single barrel, two barrel, and five barrel guns.

Climbing Tricycles.

Submarine Explorations.--Voyage of the Talisman.--The Thibaudier
sounding apparatus.--With map, diagrams, and engravings.

Jamieson's Cable Grapnel.--With engraving.

A Threaded Set Collar.

III. TECHNOLOGY.--Wretched Boiler Making.

Pneumatic Malting.--With full description of the most improved
methods and apparatus.--Numerous figures.

Reducing and Enlarging Plaster Casts.

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