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The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke - The First ('Bad') Quarto by William Shakespeare
page 1 of 77 (01%)
guidelines in the following respects:

* the original line breaks are preserved;
* hyphenated words are not rejoined;
* page breaks are noted (in the right margin);
* printing errors are not corrected.

Typographically, effort has been made to change the text as
little as possible. The 'long s' has been converted, but none of
the original spelling has been modified. Text which was centred
has been indented eight spaces from the left margin. Right
justified text is indifferently aligned in the original text; here
all right justified text is aligned to the right-hand margin.
The horizontal and vertical indentation of lines reflects the
original text.

Italics are indicated by underscores, and punctuation has not
been included inside the italics except for periods which indicate
an abbreviation, or when an entire sentence is italicised.

There is a macron over an 'e' on the last line of E3v, which has
been rendered as 'e' in this transcription.]

Tragicall Historie of
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