Robert's Rules of Order - Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies by Henry M. Robert
page 103 of 154 (66%)
page 103 of 154 (66%)
The Form of the Minutes can be as follows: "At a regular meeting of the M. L. Society, held in their hall, on Tuesday evening, March 16, 1875, Mr. A. in the chair and Mr. B. acting as secretary, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and === Page 122 =========================================================== approved. The committee on Applications reported the names of Messrs. C. and D. as applicants for membership; and on motion of Mr. F. they were admitted as members. The committee on --- reported a series of resolutions, which were thoroughly discussed and amended, and finally adopted as follows: "Resolved, That * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " On motion of Mr. L. the society adjourned. L- B-, Secretary. If the proceedings are to be published, the secretary should always examine the published proceedings of similar meetings, so as to conform to the custom, excepting where it is manifestly improper. The Constitution, By-Laws, Rules of Order and Standing Rules should all be written in one book, leaving every other page blank; and whenever an amendment is made to any of them, it should be immediately entered on the page opposite to the article amended, with a reference to the date and page of the minutes where is recorded the action of the society. |