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Robert's Rules of Order - Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies by Henry M. Robert
page 106 of 154 (68%)

The following form can be varied to suit most cases: (when the
statement of receipts and expenses is very long, it is often desirable
to specify the amounts received from one or two particular sources,
which can be done immediately after stating the total receipts; the same
course can be taken in regard to the expenditures):

Treasurer's Report.

The undersigned, Treasurer of the M. L. Society, begs leave to submit
the following annual report:

The balance on hand at the commencement of the year was --- dollars and
--- cents. There was received from all sources during the year, ---
dollars and --- cents; during the same time the

=== Page 126 ===========================================================

expenses amounted to --- dollars and --- cents, leaving a balance on
hand of --- dollars and --- cents. The annexed statement of receipts
and expenditures will show in detail the sources from which the receipts
were obtained, and the objects to which the expenditures have been
applied. All of which is respectfully submitted.

S-- M--, Treasurer M. L. S.

The "Statement of receipts and expenditures" can be made, by simply
giving a list of receipts, followed by a list of expenses, and finishing
up with the balance on hand. The auditing committee's certificate to
the correctness of the account should be written on the statement.
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