Robert's Rules of Order - Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies by Henry M. Robert
page 109 of 154 (70%)
page 109 of 154 (70%)
respectfully submitted," followed by the signatures of
=== Page 129 =========================================================== all the members concurring in the report, or sometimes by only that of the chairman. If the minority submit a report, it commences thus: "The undersigned, a minority of the committee appointed," etc., continuing as the regular report of the committee. After the committee's report has been read, it is usual to allow the minority to present their report, but it cannot be acted upon except by a motion to substitute it for the report of the committee. When the committee's report is read, they are discharged without any motion. A motion to refer the paper back to the same committee (or to re-commit), if adopted, revives the committee. Art. XI. Introduction of Business. 54. Any member wishing to bring business before the assembly, should, without it is very simple, write down in the form of a motion, what he would like to have the assembly adopt, thus: Resolved, That the thanks of this convention be tendered to the citizens of this community for their hearty welcome and generous hospitality. === Page 130 =========================================================== When there is no other business before the assembly, he rises and addresses the chairman by his title, thus: "Mr. Chairman," who immediately recognizes him by announcing his name.* [If the chairman has |