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The Dare Boys of 1776 by Stephen Angus Cox
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we will surely defend ourselves and do harm to you-if we can."

Evidently the man realized it was useless to carry the deception
further, for he cried out, sneeringly:

"Oh, will you indeed, Dick Dare? Well, let me tell you something, my
bold young rebel: When we get through with you, you will not be in a
position to harm anybody. We are going to take you out and whip you
soundly, as should be done with all such traitors to the king as you
two are!"

"I give you fair warning," replied Dick, sternly; "if you attempt to
injure myself and brother, you will get badly hurt. Go about you
business and leave us alone."

"Oh, we'll go about our business and leave you alone, of course we
will-but it will be after we have tied you up to one of the trees here
in your own yard! Open the door, or we'll break it down."

"You are wasting breath," in a voice of contempt. "We would be very
foolish if we opened the door, would we not?"

"It doesn't matter; we'll break the door down in a jiffy, anyway."

"If you do, you'll be very sorry. Remember, I gave you fair warning."

"Bah! Boys' threats don't scare us worth a cent. We'll have the door
down and you two rebel brats out of there very quickly."

"And we'll have some of you Tory hounds lying dead on the grass of our
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