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A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov
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Again he bowed silently.

"I suppose you are going to Stavropol?"

"Yes, sir, exactly -- with Government things."

"Can you tell me how it is that that heavily-
laden cart of yours is being drawn without any
difficulty by four oxen, whilst six cattle are
scarcely able to move mine, empty though it is,
and with all those Ossetes helping?"

He smiled slyly and threw me a meaning

"You have not been in the Caucasus long, I
should say?"

"About a year," I answered.

He smiled a second time.


"Just so, sir," he answered. "They're terrible
beasts, these Asiatics! You think that all that
shouting means that they are helping the oxen?
Why, the devil alone can make out what it is
they do shout. The oxen understand, though;
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