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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 07 - England's Naval Exploits Against Spain by Richard Hakluyt
page 41 of 375 (10%)
vnto vs that he had in purpose to encampe there; for we found the ground
staked out where their trenches should haue bene made: and their horsemen
with some few shot shewed themselues vpon an hill at our comming into that
village; whom Sir Henry Norris (whose regiment had the point of the
vantgard) thought to draw vnto some fight, and therefore marched without
sound of drumme, and somewhat faster then ordinary, thereby to get neere
them, before he were discouered, for he was shadowed from them by an hil
that was betweene him and them: but before he could draw his companies any
thing neere, they retired.

General Drakes regiment that night, for the commodity of good lodging, drew
themselues into a village, more than one English mile from thence, and
neere the enemy: who not daring to do any thing against vs in foure dayes
before, tooke that occasion, and in the next morning fell downe vpon that
regiment, crying, Viua el Rey Don Antonio, which was a generall salutation
thorow all the Countrey, as they came: whom our yoong shouldiers (though it
were vpon their guard, and before the watch was discharged) began to
entertaine kindly, but hauing got within their guard, they fell to cut
their throats: but the alarme being taken inwards, the officers of the two
next Companies, whose Captaines (Captaine Sydnam and Captaine Young) were
lately dead at the Groine, brought downe their colours and pikes vpon them
in so resolute manner, as they presently draue them to retire with losse:
they killed of ours at their first entrance foarteene, and hurt sixe or

The next day we lodged at Aluelana within three miles of Lisbon, where many
of our souldiers drinking in two places of standing waters by the way were
poisoned, and thereon presently; died. Some do think it came rather by
eating hony, which they found in the houses plentifully. But whether it
were by water or by hony, the poor men were poisoned.
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