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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 07 - England's Naval Exploits Against Spain by Richard Hakluyt
page 56 of 375 (14%)
There was found great store of wine in the towne, but not any thing els:
for the other dayes warning of the shippes that came first in, gaue them a
respit to cary all away.

[Sidenote: Vigo burned.] The next morning by breake of the day the Colonell
generall (who in the absence of the Generalls that were on boord their
ships, commanded that night on shore) caused all our companies to be drawen
out of the towne, and sent in two troups to put fire in euery house of the
same: which done, we imbarked againe.

This day there were certaine Mariners which (without any direction) put
themselues on shore, on the contrary side of the riuer from vs for pillage;
who were beaten by the enemy from their boats, and punished by the Generals
for their offer, in going without allowance.

The reasons why we attempted nothing against Bayon were before shewed to be
want of artillery, and may now be alledged to be the small number of our
men: who should haue gone against so strong a plade, manned with very good
souldiers, as was shewed by Iuan de Vera taken at the Groine, who confessed
that there were sixe hundred olde Souldiers in garrison there of Flanders,
and the Tercios of Naples, lately also returned out of the iourney of

Vnder the leading of

Capitan Puebla,
Christofero Vasques de Viralta a souldier of Flanders.
Don Pedro Camascho, del tercio de Napoles.
Don Francisco de Cespedes.
Cap. Iuan de Solo, del tercio de Naples.
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