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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 07 - England's Naval Exploits Against Spain by Richard Hakluyt
page 58 of 375 (15%)
[Sidenote: Their returne to Plimmouth.] The next day he set saile, and the
l0 day after, which was the 2 of Iuly came into Plimmouth, where he found
sir Francis Drake and all the Queens ships, with many of the others but not
all; for the Fleet was dispersed into other harbors, some led by a desire
of returning from whence they came, and some being possessed of the hulks
sought other Ports from their Generals eie, where they might make their
priuate commoditie of them, as they haue done to their great aduantage.

Presently vpon their arriual there, the Generals dissolued all the armie
sauing 8 companies which are yet held together, giuing euery souldier fiue
shillings in money, and the armies hee bare to make money of, which was
more then could by any means be due vnto them: for they were not in seruice
three moneths, in which time they had their victuals, which no man would
value at lesse then halfe their pay, for such is the allowance in her
maiesties ships to her mariners, so as there remained but 10 shillings a
moneth more to be paid, for which there was not any priuate man but had
apparel and furniture to his owne vse, so as euery common souldier
discharged, receiued more in money, victuals, apparel and furniture, then
his pay did amount vnto.

Notwithstanding, there be euen in the same place where those things haue
passed, that either do not or will not conceiue the souldiers estate, by
comparing their pouertie and the shortness of the time together, but lay
some iniuries vpon the Generals and the action. Where, and by the way, but
especially here in London, I find there haue bene some false prophets gone
before vs, telling strange tales. For as our countrey doeth bring foorth
many gallant men, who desirous of honour doe put themselues into the
actions thereof, so doeth it many more dull spirited, who though their
thoughts reach not so high as others, yet doe they listen how other mens
acts doe passe, and either beleeuing what any man will report vnto them,
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