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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 07 - England's Naval Exploits Against Spain by Richard Hakluyt
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neighbours, to take but one yeeres gifts (which they call fees) out of his
coffers. What would it hinder euery officer of the Exchequer, and other of
her Maiesties courts, who without checks doe suddenly grow to great wealth,
honestly to bring foorth the mysticall commoditie of one yeeres profits? Or
the Clergie, who looke precisely for the Tenths of euery mans increase,
simply to bring forth the Tenth of one yeeres gathering, and in
thankfulnesse to her Maiestie (who hath continued for all our safeties a
most chargeable warre both at land & sea) bestow the same for her honor &
their own assurance, vpon an army which may make this bloody enemy so to
know himselfe and her Maiesties power, as he shall bethinke him what it is
to mooue a stirring people? Who, though they haue receiued some small
checke by the sicknesse of this last iourney, yet doubt I not, but if it
were knowen, that the like voyage were to bee supported by a generalitie,
(that might and would beare the charge of a more ample prouision) but there
would of all sortes most willingly put themselues into the same: some
caried with an honourable desire to be in action, and some in loue of such
would affectionately folow their fortunes; some in thirsting to reuenge the
death and hurts of their brethren, kinred, and friends: and some in hope of
the plentifull spoyles to be found in those countreys, hauing bene there
already and returned poore, would desire to goe againe, with an expectation
to make amends for the last: and all, in hatred of that cowardly proud
Nation, and in contemplation of the true honour of our owne, would with
courage take armes to hazard their liues agaynst them, whom euery good
Englishman is in nature bound to hate as an implacable enemie to England,
thirsting after our blood, and labouring to ruine our land, with hope to
bring vs vnder the yoke of perpetuall slauerie.

Against them is true honour to be gotten, for that we shall no sooner set
foot in their land, but that euery step we tread will yeeld vs new occasion
of action, which I wish the gallantrie of our Countrey rather to regard
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