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Scientific American Supplement, No. 417, December 29, 1883 by Various
page 2 of 98 (02%)
The Moving of Large Masses.--With engravings of the removal
of a belfry at Cresentino in 1776, and of the winged bulls from
Nineveh to Mosul in 1854

Science and Engineering.--The relation they bear to one another.

Hydraulic Plate Press.--With engraving

Fast Printing Press for Engravings.--With engraving

French Cannon

Apparatus for Heating by Gas.--5 figures

Improved Gas Burner for Singeing Machines.--1 figure

II. TECHNOLOGY.--China Grass, or Rhea.--Different processes and
apparatus used in preparing the fiber for commerce

III. ARCHITECTURE.--Woodlands, Stoke Pogis, Bucks.--With engraving.

IV. ELECTRICITY, LIGHT, ETC.--Volta Electric Induction as Demonstrated
by Experiment.--Paper read by WILLOUGHBY SMITH before the Society
of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians.--Numerous figures

On Telpherage.--The Transmission of vehicles by electricity to a
distance.--By Prof. FLEEMING JENKIN

New Electric Battery Lights
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