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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 100 of 795 (12%)

"You want a holiday, I suppose?"

"Oh no, sir; nothing of that sort. I want--"

"Well?" cried Mr. Galloway, surprised at his hesitation; but now that
the moment of preferring the request had come, Arthur shrank from doing

"Could you allow me, sir--would it make very much difference--to allow
me--to come to the office an hour earlier, and remain in it an hour
later?" stammered Arthur.

"What for?" exclaimed Mr. Galloway, with marked surprise.

"I have had an offer made me, sir, to take the cathedral organ at
week-day service. I should very much like to accept it, if it could be

"Why, where's Jupp?" uttered Mr. Galloway.

"Jupp has resigned. He is ill, and is going out for his health. I'll
tell you how it all happened," went on Arthur, losing diffidence now
that he was fairly launched upon his subject. "Of course, this failure
of the suit makes a great difference to our prospects at home; it
renders it incumbent upon us to do what we can to help--"

"Why does it?" interrupted Mr. Galloway. "It may make a difference to
your future ease, but it makes none to your present means."

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