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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 113 of 795 (14%)
Hamish, "and I intend to drop most of mine for the present. You needn't
stare so, Yorke."

"I am staring at you. Drop evening visiting! Any one, dropping that,
may expect to be in a lunatic asylum in six months."

"What a prospect for me!" laughed Hamish.

"_Will_ you come to Cator's?"

"No, thank you."

"Then you are a muff!" retorted Roland, as he went on.

It was dusk when they reached the cathedral.

"I wonder whether the cloisters are still open!" Arthur exclaimed.

"It will not take a minute to ascertain," said Hamish. "If not, we must
go round."

They found the cloisters still unclosed, and passed in. Gloomy and
sombre were they at that evening hour. So sombre that, in proceeding
along the west quadrangle, the two young men positively started, when
some dark figure glided from within a niche, and stood in their way.

"Whose ghost are you?" cried Hamish.

A short covert whistle of surprise answered him. "You here!" cried the
figure, in a tone of excessive disappointment. "What brings you in the
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