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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 121 of 795 (15%)
do not get into mischief. Were I addicted to drinking, or to gambling,
my debts might have been ten times what they are."

"They are enough, it seems," said Arthur. But he spoke the words in
sadness, not in a spirit of reproof.

"Arthur, they may prove of the greatest service, in teaching me caution
for the future. Perhaps I wanted the lesson. Let me once get out of
this hash, and I will take pretty good care not to fall into another."

"If you only can get out of it."

"Oh, I shall do it, somehow; never fear. Let us go on, there seems to
be no one about."



They reached home unmolested. Arthur went straight to Mr. Channing, who
was lying, as usual, on his sofa, and bent over him with a smile, sweet
and hopeful as that of Hamish.

"Father, may I gain fifty pounds a year, if I can do it, without
detriment to my place at Mr. Galloway's?"
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