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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 125 of 795 (15%)
intends to pay you?"

"Fifty pounds a year, And the copying besides."

"_Is_ it true, Arthur?" breathlessly exclaimed Mrs. Channing.

"I have told you that it is, mother mine. Jupp has resigned, and I am

Annabel danced round him in an ecstasy of delight. Not at his
success--success or failure did not much trouble Annabel--but she
thought there might be a prospect of some fun in store for herself.
"Arthur, you'll let me come into the cathedral and blow for you?"

"You little stupid!" cried Tom. "Much good you could do at blowing! A
girl blowing the college organ! That's rich! Better let Williams catch
you there! She'd actually go, I believe!"

"It is not your business, Tom; it is Arthur's," retorted Annabel, with
flushed cheeks. "Mamma, can't you teach Tom to interfere with himself,
and not with me?"

"I would rather teach Annabel to be a young lady, and not a tomboy,"
said Mrs. Channing. "You may as well wish to be allowed to ring the
college bells, as blow the organ, child."

"I should like that," said Annabel. "Oh, what fun, if the rope went up
with me!"

Mrs. Channing turned a reproving glance on her, and resumed her
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