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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 196 of 795 (24%)
happened. I am ready to take any punishment, for that, that you may
order me."

"Ah!" said the bishop, "had you known that I was in the cloisters, your
friend Ketch would have come off scot free!"

"Yes, that he would, until--"

"Until what?" asked the bishop, for Bywater had brought his words to a

"Until a more convenient night, I was going to say, my lord."

"Well, that's candid," said the bishop. "Bywater," he gravely added,
"you have spoken the truth to me freely. Had you equivocated in the
slightest degree, I should have punished you for the equivocation. As
it is, I shall look upon this as a confidential communication, and
_not_ order you punishment. But we will not have any more tricks played
at locking up Ketch. You understand?"

"All right, my lord. Thank you a hundred times."

Bywater, touching his trencher, leaped off. The bishop turned to enter
his palace gates, which were close by, and encountered Ketch talking to
the head-master. The latter had been passing the lodge, when he was
seen and pounced upon by Ketch, who thought it a good opportunity to
make his complaint.

"I am as morally sure it was them, sir, as I am that I be alive." he
was saying when the bishop came up. "And I don't know who they has
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