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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 55 of 795 (06%)
harm to use a certain specific, emanating from one of her Majesty's
physicians; extensively set forth and patronized as an undoubted remedy
for hair that was falling off. Mr. Galloway used it extensively in his
fear, for he had an equal dread both of baldness and wigs. The lotion
not only had the desired effect, but it had more: the hair grew on
again luxuriantly, and its whiteness turned into the finest flaxen you
ever saw; a light delicate flaxen, exactly like the curls you see upon
the heads of blue-eyed wax dolls. This is a fact: and whether Mr.
Galloway liked it, or not, he had to put up with it. Many would not be
persuaded but that he had used some delicate dye, hitherto unknown to
science; and the suspicion vexed Mr. Galloway. Behold him, therefore,
with a perfect shower of smooth, fair curls upon his head, equal to any
young beau.

It was in this gentleman's office that Arthur Channing had been placed,
with a view to his becoming ultimately a proctor. To article him to Mr.
Galloway would take a good round sum of money; and this had been put
off until the termination of the suit, when Mr. Channing had looked
forward to being at his ease, in a pecuniary point of view. There were
two others in the same office. The one was Roland Yorke, who was
articled; the other was Joseph Jenkins, a thin, spare, humble man of
nine and thirty, who had served Mr. Galloway for nearly twenty years,
earning twenty-five shillings a week. He was a son of old Jenkins, the
bedesman, and his wife kept a small hosiery shop in High Street. Roland
Yorke was, of course, not paid; on the contrary, he had paid pretty
smartly to Mr. Galloway for the privilege of being initiated into the
mysteries belonging to a proctor. Arthur Channing may be said to have
occupied a position in the office midway between the two. He was to
_become_ on the footing of Roland Yorke; but meanwhile, he received a
small weekly sum in remuneration of his services, as Joe Jenkins did.
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