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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 66 of 795 (08%)
"And do you pretend to say that Tom Channing and my brother Ger are not
honourable?" fiercely interrupted Roland Yorke.

"There you go, Yorke; jumping to conclusions! It is not to be credited
that any one of the seniors did it: still less, if they had done it,
that they would not acknowledge it. They are all boys of truth and
honour, so far as I believe. Huntley, I am sure, is."

"And of Tom, also, I conclude you feel sure?"

"Yes, I do."

"And I am sure of Ger Yorke. So, if the master is directing his
suspicion to the seniors, he'll get floored. It's odd what can have
turned it upon them."

"I don't think the master suspects the seniors," said Arthur. "He
called them to his aid."

"You heard what he just now said to Galloway. Jenkins, there is a knock
at the door."

Jenkins went to open it. He came back, and said Mr. Yorke was wanted.

Roland lazily proceeded to the outer passage, and, when he saw who was
standing there, he put himself into a passion. "What do you mean by
presuming to come to me here?" he haughtily asked.

"Well, sir, perhaps you'll tell me where I am to come, so as to get to
see you?" civilly replied the applicant, one who bore the appearance of
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