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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
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"How much do you owe?" went on Roland.

"Oh, a twenty-pound note would pay my debts, and leave me something out
of it," said Arthur, in a joking tone. The fact was, that he did not
owe a shilling to any one. "Jenkins, do you know what I am to set about
next?" he continued; "I have filled in this lease."

Jenkins was beginning to look amidst some papers at his elbow, in
answer to the appeal; but at that moment Mr. Galloway entered, and
despatched Arthur to get a cheque cashed at the bank.



"If you don't put away that trash, Caroline, and go upstairs and
practise, I'll make you go! Strewing the table in that manner! Look
what a pickle the room is in!"

The words came from Lady Augusta Yorke, a tall, dark woman, with high
cheek-bones; and they were spoken at a height that might not have been
deemed orthodox at court. Miss Caroline Yorke, a young demoiselle, with
a "net" that was more frequently off her head than on it, slip-shod
shoes, and untidy stockings, had placed a quantity of mulberry leaves
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