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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 72 of 795 (09%)
the trays, and Lady Augusta went on grumbling.

"It is a dreadful fate--to be left a widow with a heap of unruly
children who will not be controlled! I must find a governess for the
girls, and then I shall be free from them for a few hours in the day. I
thought I would try and save the money, and teach them myself; but I
might just as well attempt to teach so many little wild Indians! I am
not fitted for teaching; it is beyond me. Don't you think you could
hear of a governess, William? You go about so much."

"I have heard of one since I saw you yesterday," he replied. "A young
lady, whom you know, is anxious to take a situation, and I think she
might suit you."

"Whom I know?" cried Lady Augusta. "Who is it?"

"Miss Channing."

Lady Augusta looked up in astonishment. "Is _she_ going out as
governess? That comes of losing this lawsuit. She has lost no time in
the decision."

"When an unpalatable step has to be taken, the sooner it is set about,
the less will be the cost," remarked Mr. Yorke.

"Unpalatable! you may well say that. This will be the climax, will it
not, William?"

"Climax of what?"

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