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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 76 of 795 (09%)
had made an engagement for this one with a brother clergyman.

Constance entered. She looked in the study for her brothers, but only
Arthur was there. He was leaning his elbow upon the table in a
thoughtful mood.

"Where are they all?" inquired Constance.

"Tom and Charles have gone to the cricket match. I don't think Hamish
has come in."

"Why did you not go to cricket also?"

"I don't know," said Arthur. "I did not feel much inclination for
cricket this evening."

"You looked depressed, Arthur, but I have some good news for you,"
Constance said, bending over him with a bright smile. "It is settled
about my going out, and I am to have forty guineas a year. Guess where
it is to?"

Arthur threw his arm round Constance, and they stood together, looking
at the trailing honeysuckle just outside the window. "Tell me,

"It is to Lady Augusta's. William has been talking to her, and she
would like to have me. Does it not seem lucky to find it so soon?"

"_Lucky_, Constance?"

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