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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 78 of 795 (09%)
"One that will set the river on fire?" cried gay, laughing Hamish.

"If we--you and I, and Arthur--can only manage to earn enough money,
and if we can observe strict economy at home, who knows but we may send
papa to the German baths yet?"

A cloud came over Hamish's face, and his smile faded. "I don't see how
_that_ is to be done."

"But you have not heard of my good luck. I am going to Lady Augusta's,
and am to have forty guineas a year. Now, if you and Arthur will help,
it may be easy. Oh, Hamish, it would be worth any effort--any struggle.
Think how it would be rewarded. Papa restored to health! to freedom
from pain!"

A look of positive pain seated itself on Hamish's brow. "Yes," he
sighed, "I wish it could be done."

"But you do not speak hopefully."

"Because, if I must tell you the truth, I do not feel hopefully. I fear
we could not do it: at least until things are brighter."

"If we do our very best, we might receive great help, Hamish."

"What help?" he asked.

"God's help," she whispered.

Hamish smiled. He had not yet learnt what Constance had. Besides,
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