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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 92 of 795 (11%)
things that a senior cannot."

"Besides, there'd be the losing his chance of the seniorship, and of
the exhibition," cried one from the throng of boys in the rear.

"How are you progressing for the seniorship?" asked Arthur, of the
three. "Which of you stands the best chance?"

"I think Channing does," freely spoke up Harry Huntley.


"Because our progress is so equal that I don't think one will get ahead
of another, so that the choice cannot be made that way; and Channing's
name stands first on the rolls."

"Who is to know if they'll give us fair play and no humbug?' said Tom

"If they do, it will be what they have never given yet!" exclaimed
Stephen Bywater. "Kissing goes by favour."

"Ah, but I heard that the dean--"

At this moment a boy dashed into the throng, scattering it right and
left. "Where are your eyes?" he whispered.

Close upon them was the dean. Arm in arm with him, in his hat and
apron, walked the Bishop of Helstonleigh. The boys stood aside and took
off their trenchers. The dean merely raised his hand in response to the
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