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A Sketch of the life of Brig. Gen. Francis Marion and a history of his brigade by William Dobein James
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at the whip-saw,* and in burning tar for market. Such was their industry,
that in fourteen years after their first settlement, and according to
the first certain account of them, they were in prosperous circumstances.
In the year 1701, John Lawson, then Surveyor General of the province,
visited these enterprising people, and as there are but two copies of his
"Journal of a thousand miles travelled through several nations of Indians",
known at present to be in existence, no apology appears to be necessary
for presenting extracts of the most interesting parts of it to the reader: --

* Gen. Horry states, that his grandfather and grandmother commenced
the handsome fortune they left, by working together at the whip-saw.

"On December 28th, 1700, I began my voyage for North Carolina,
from Charleston, in a large canoe. At four in the afternoon, at half flood,
we passed over the breach through the marsh, leaving Sullivan's Island
on our starboard; the first place we designed for was Santee river,
on which there is a colony of French protestants, allowed and encouraged
by the lords proprietors." -- After passing through Sewee bay and up Santee,
the mouth of which was fresh, he visited the Sewees; "formerly," he says,
"a large nation, though now very much decreased, since the English
have seated their lands, and all other nations of Indians are observed
to partake of the same fate. With hard rowing we got that night
(11th January, 1701,) to Mons. Eugee's*1* house, which stands about
fifteen miles up the river, being the first christian dwelling we met withal
in that settlement, and were very courteously received by him and his wife.
Many of the French follow a trade with the Indians, living very conveniently
for that interest. Here are about seventy families seated on this river,
who live as decently and happily as any planters in these southward parts
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