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Chip, of the Flying U by B. M. Bower
page 50 of 174 (28%)
that effect. I took notice she didn't deny but what he would."

"Two doctors in one family--gee whiz!" mused Cal. "If I hadn't got the
only girl God ever made right, I'd give one Dr. Cecil Granthum, of
Gilroy, Ohio, a run for his money, I tell yuh those. I'd impress it
upon him that a man's taking long chances when he stands and lets his
best girl stampede out here among us cow-punchers for a change uh grass.
That fellow needs looking after; he ain't finished his education.
Jacky, you ain't got a female girl yanking your heart around, sail
in and show us what yuh can do in that line."

"Nit," said Jack Bates, briefly. "My heart's doing business at the old
stand and doing it satisfactory and proper. I don't want to set it to
bucking--over a girl that wouldn't have me at any price. Let Slim. The
Little Doctor's half stuck on him, anyhow."

While the boys amused themselves in serious debate with Slim, Chip
put away his magazine and went down to visit Silver in the box stall.
He was glad they had not attempted to draw him into the banter--they
had never once thought to do so, probably, though he had been thrown
into the company of the Little Doctor more than any of the others,
for several good reasons. He had broken the creams to harness, and
always drove them, for the Old Man found them more than he cared to
tackle. And there was Silver, with frequent discussions over his
progress toward recovery and some argument over his treatment--for
Chip had certain ideas of his own concerning horses, and was not
backward about expressing them upon occasion.

That the Little Doctor should write frequent letters to a man in the
East did not concern him--why should it? Still, a fellow without a home
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