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Chip, of the Flying U by B. M. Bower
page 60 of 174 (34%)
laps and yuh pass 'em stuff. The san'wiches--"

"You do make such beautiful bread!" interrupted the Little Doctor, very

"Well, I ain't had the best uh luck, lately, but I guess it does taste
good after that bread yuh had when I come. Soggy was no name for--"

"Patsy made that bread," interposed Miss Whitmore, hastily. "He had bad
luck, and--"

"I guess he did!" sniffed the Countess, contemptuously. "As I told Mary
when I come--"

"I wonder how many cakes we'll need?" Miss Whitmore, you will observe,
had learned to interrupt when she had anything to say. It was the only
course to pursue with anyone from Denson coulee.

The Countess, having finished her scrubbing, rose jerkily and upset the
soap can, which rolled over and over down the steps, leaving a yellow
trail as it went.

"Well, there, if that wasn't a bright trick uh mine? They say the more
yuh hurry the less yuh'll git along, an' that's a sample. We'd ought t'
have five kinds, an' about four uh each kind. It wouldn't do t' run out,
er Mis' Beckman never would let anybody hear the last of it. Down t'

"Twenty cakes! Good gracious! I'll have to order my stock of medicine,
for I'll surely have a houseful of patients if the guests eat twenty
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