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Chip, of the Flying U by B. M. Bower
page 69 of 174 (39%)

"I want you to come and help me turn my drug store around with its face
to the wall. All the later editions of Denson, Pilgreen and Beckman
have taken possession of my office--and as the Countess says: 'Them
Beckman kids is holy terrors--an' it's savin' the rod an' spoilin' the
kid that makes 'em so!'"

Chip laughed outright. "The Denson kids are a heap worse, if she only
knew it," he said, and followed her willingly.

The Little Doctor's "office" was a homey little room, with a couch, a
well-worn Morris rocker, two willow chairs and a small table for the not
imposing furnishing, dignified by a formidable stack of medical books
in one corner, and the "drug store," which was simply a roomy bookcase
filled with jars, bottles, boxes and packages, all labeled in a neat
vertical hand.

The room fairly swarmed with children, who seemed, for the most part,
to be enjoying themselves very much. Charlotte May Pilgreen and
Sary Denson were hunched amicably over one of the books, shuddering
beatifically over a pictured skeleton. A swarm surrounded the drug
store, the glass door of which stood open.

The Little Doctor flew across to the group, horror white.

"Sybilly got the key an' unlocked it, an' she give us this candy, too!"
tattled a Pilgreen with very red hair and a very snub nose.

"I didn't, either! It was Jos'phine!"

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