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The Lamplighter; a farce in one act by Charles Dickens
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these words, he kisses the young lady in a very affable way, turns
to the old gentleman, slaps him on the back, and says, "When's it
to come off, my buck?"

'The young lady coloured so deep, and her lip trembled so much,
gentlemen, that Tom really thought she was going to cry. But she
kept her feelings down, and turning to the old gentleman, says,
"Dear uncle, though you have the absolute disposal of my hand and
fortune, and though you mean well in disposing of 'em thus, I ask
you whether you don't think this is a mistake? Don't you think,
dear uncle," she says, "that the stars must be in error? Is it not
possible that the comet may have put 'em out?"

'"The stars," says the old gentleman, "couldn't make a mistake if
they tried. Emma," he says to the other young lady.

'"Yes, papa," says she.

'"The same day that makes your cousin Mrs. Grig will unite you to
the gifted Mooney. No remonstrance - no tears. Now, Mr. Grig, let
me conduct you to that hallowed ground, that philosophical retreat,
where my friend and partner, the gifted Mooney of whom I have just
now spoken, is even now pursuing those discoveries which shall
enrich us with the precious metal, and make us masters of the
world. Come, Mr. Grig," he says.

'"With all my heart, Sir," replies Tom; "and luck to the gifted
Mooney, say I - not so much on his account as for our worthy
selves!" With this sentiment, Tom kissed his hand to the ladies
again, and followed him out; having the gratification to perceive,
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