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The Lamplighter; a farce in one act by Charles Dickens
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'"Monster!" cries Tom's young lady, clinging to the Gifted.

'"Miss!" says Tom. "Is THAT your manners?"

'"I abjure thee!" cries Tom's young lady. "I renounce thee. I
never will be thine. Thou," she says to the Gifted, "art the
object of my first and all-engrossing passion. Wrapt in thy
sublime visions, thou hast not perceived my love; but, driven to
despair, I now shake off the woman and avow it. Oh, cruel, cruel
man!" With which reproach she laid her head upon the Gifted's
breast, and put her arms about him in the tenderest manner
possible, gentlemen.

'"And I," says the other young lady, in a sort of ecstasy, that
made Tom start - "I hereby abjure my chosen husband too. Hear me,
Goblin!" - this was to the Gifted - "Hear me! I hold thee in the
deepest detestation. The maddening interview of this one night has
filled my soul with love - but not for thee. It is for thee, for
thee, young man," she cries to Tom. "As Monk Lewis finely
observes, Thomas, Thomas, I am thine, Thomas, Thomas, thou art
mine: thine for ever, mine for ever!" with which words, she became
very tender likewise.

'Tom and the Gifted, gentlemen, as you may believe, looked at each
other in a very awkward manner, and with thoughts not at all
complimentary to the two young ladies. As to the Gifted, I have
heard Tom say often, that he was certain he was in a fit, and had
it inwardly.

'"Speak to me! Oh, speak to me!" cries Tom's young lady to the
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