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The Biography of a Grizzly by Ernest Thompson Seton
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dealt him a stunning blow, and before he could recover she was on his
shoulders, raking the flesh from his ribs with sweep after sweep of her
terrific claws.

The Bull roared with rage, and plunged and reared, dragging Mother
Grizzly with him; then, as he hurled heavily off the slope, she let go
to save herself, and the Bull rolled down into the river.


This was a lucky thing for him, for the Grizzly did not want to follow
him there; so he waded out on the other side, and bellowing with
fury and pain, slunk off to join the herd to which he belonged.

[Illustration: desc. Mountain peaks]


Old Colonel Pickett, the cattle king, was out riding the range. The
night before, he had seen the new moon descending over the white cone of
Pickett's Peak.

"I saw the last moon over Frank's Peak," said he, "and the luck was
against me for a month; now I reckon it's my turn."

Next morning his luck began. A letter came from Washington granting his
request that a post-office be established at his ranch, and contained
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