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The Hunted Outlaw - or, Donald Morrison, the Canadian Rob Roy by Anonymous
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decreed him healthy. He was a man to grace society, do credit to
religion, and leave a fair and honored name behind him.

The tabulation is at fault.

The soul has its conventional pose when the eyes of the street are upon
it. Psychology's plummet is too short to reach those depths where motive
has its sudden and startling birth.

Life begins with the fairest promise, and ends in darkness.

It is the unexpected that stuns us.

Heredity, environment and temperament lead us into easy calculations
of assured repose and strength, and permanency of mental and moral

The act of a moment makes sardonic mockery of all our predictions.

The whole mentality is not computable.

Look searchingly at happiness, and note with sadness that a tear stains
her cheek.

A dark, sinister thread runs through the web of life.

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