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Songs out of Doors by Henry Van Dyke
page 7 of 84 (08%)


When May bedecks the naked trees
With tassels and embroideries,
And many blue-eyed violets beam
Along the edges of the stream,
I hear a voice that seems to say,
Now near at hand, now far away,

An incantation so serene,
So innocent, befits the scene:
There's magic in that small bird's note--
See, there he flits--the Yellow-throat;
A living sunbeam, tipped with wings,
A spark of light that shines and sings

You prophet with a pleasant name,
If out of Mary-land you came,
You know the way that thither goes
Where Mary's lovely garden grows:
Fly swiftly back to her, I pray,
And try to call her down this way,

Tell her to leave her cockle-shells,
And all her little silver bells
That blossom into melody,
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