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Girls: Faults and Ideals - A Familiar Talk, with Quotations from Letters by J.R. Miller
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a number of Christian young men to give me answers to certain questions,
and from these I have quoted in this familiar talk. I take two of these
questions, viz.;

1. "What are some of the most common faults in young women of your

2. "What are some of the essential elements of character in your ideal
of true young womanhood?"

We shall think then of common faults and of ideals. The first text I
have chosen is a prayer for for the cleansing of faults. The second is a
description of the life that pleases God.

"Cleanse thou me from secret faults." Is there one of us who does not,
from deepest heart pray this prayer? I pity that man or that woman who
does not long to be cured of faults, whatever they are, however painful
or costly their removal may be.

Some one says,--and the words are worthy of being written in
gold,--"Count yourself richer that day you discover a new fault in
yourself,--not richer because it is there, but richer because it is no
longer a hidden fault; and if you have not found all your faults, pray
to have them revealed to you, even if the revelation must come in a way
that hurts your pride." Mr. Ruskin has this word also for young women:
"Make sure that however good you may be, you have faults; that however
dull you may be, you can find out what they are; and that however slight
they may be, you had better make some patient effort to get rid of
them.... Therefore see that no day passes in which you do not make
yourself a somewhat better creature; and in order to do that find out
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