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The Story of the Malakand Field Force - An Episode of Frontier War by Sir Winston S. Churchill
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pleasant valley. "The people," says the Chinese pilgrim Fa-hien, who
visited the country in the fifth century, "all use the language of
Central India, 'Central India' being what we should call the 'Middle
Kingdom.' The food and clothes of the common people are the same as in
that Central Kingdom. The law of Buddha is very flourishing in Woo-
Chang." "The Park," which includes all the country on both banks of the
Swat River--then called the Subhavastu--but which perhaps applies more
particularly to the upper end of the valley, was famous for its forests,
flowers and fruit. But though the valley retains much of its beauty, its
forests have been destroyed by the improvidence, and its flowers and
fruit have declined through the ignorance, of the fierce conquerors into
whose hands it fell.

The reputation which its present inhabitants enjoy is evil. Their
treacherous character has distinguished them even among peoples
notoriously faithless and cruel. Among Pathans it is a common saying:
"Swat is heaven, but the Swatis are hell-fiends." For many years they
had lain under the stigma of cowardice, and were despised as well as
distrusted by the tribes of the border; but their conduct in the recent
fighting has cleared them at least from this imputation.

Several minor chieftains now divide authority in the Swat Valley, but
till 1870 it was governed by a single ruler. The Ahkund of Swat was by
origin a cowherd, an office considered most honourable in India. The cow
is a sacred beast. His service is acceptable to the Gods and men.
Princes glory in the name--though they do not usually carry their
enthusiasm further. "Guicowar" translated literally means "cowherd."
From such employment the future Ahkund received his inspiration. He sat
for many years by the banks of the Indus, and meditated. Thus he became
a saint. The longer his riparian reflections were continued, the greater
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