Government By the Brewers? by Adolph Keitel
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page 4 of 30 (13%)
of my country.
When even the jail could not silence me, a diabolical attempt was made to bury me alive in an institution for the insane, but when it was found impossible to discover the slightest trace of insanity, or drive me insane during a sojourn of a month among maniacs, I was released. I verily believe that the honesty of the alienists in charge of the institution alone saved me from a living death. THE AUTHOR [Illustration: A Menace to good Government] "_The very nature of the business of the brewer makes it imperative that they retain a strong hold on the ballot box. By those methods alone have they been able to exist in the past. By those methods alone, can they hope to save themselves_" CHAPTER I. MY THIRTY YEARS' INTIMATE ASSOCIATION WITH THE BREWERS |