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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 15 of 279 (05%)

"No. 4 platform," said Hubert to his companion. "Train just going." Laura
threw off her exhaustion and ran.

The guard was just putting his whistle to his lips. Hubert lifted her
into her carriage.

"Good-bye," she said, waving to him, and disappeared at once into a crowd
of fellow-passengers.

"Right for Marsland?" cried Hubert to the guard.

The guard, who had already whistled, waved his flag as he replied:

"Marsland? No train beyond the junction to-night."

Hubert paused for a moment, then, as the train was moving briskly out,
sprang upon the foot-board. A porter rushed up, the door was opened, and
he was shoved in amid remonstrances from front and rear.

The heavily laden train stopped at every station--was already nearly an
hour late. Holiday crowds got in and out; the platforms were gay with
talk and laughter.

Mason saw nothing and heard nothing. He sat leaning forward, his hat
slouched over his eyes. The man opposite thought he had fallen asleep.

Whose fault was it? Not his! He might have made sure? Why, wasn't
Seaton's word good enough? _She_ thought so.

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