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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
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was deeply flushed.

"I only heard there was no train on, from the guard, just as you were
starting; so I jumped into the next carriage that I might be of some use
to you here if I could. You needn't look at me like that," he broke out
violently--"I couldn't help it!"

"You might have found out," she said hoarsely.

"Say you believe I did it on purpose!--to get you into trouble!--you may
as well. You'd believe anything bad about me, I know."

Already there was a new note in his voice, a hoarse, tyrannous note, as
though he felt her in his power. In her terror the girl recalled that
wild drive from the Browhead dance, with its disgusts and miseries. Was
he sober now? What was she to do?--how was she to protect herself? She
felt a passionate conviction that she was trapped, that he had planned
the whole catastrophe, knowing well what would be thought of her at
Bannisdale--in the neighbourhood.

She looked round her, making a desperate effort to keep down exhaustion
and excitement. The main-line train had just gone, and the
station-master, with a lantern in his hand, was coming up the platform.

Laura went to meet him.

"I've made a mistake and missed the last train to Marsland. Can I sit
here in the station till the morning?"

The station-master looked at her sharply--then at the man standing a yard
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