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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 31 of 279 (11%)
it!--it rushes through the girl's nature in one blending storm of longing
and despair....

... What sound was that?

She raised her head. A call came from the sands--a distant call, floating
through the night. Another--and another! She stood up--she sprang on the
heap of planks, straining her eyes. Yes--surely she saw a figure on that
wide expanse of sand, moving quickly, moving away? And one after another
the cries rose, waking dim echoes from the shore.

It was Hubert, no doubt--Hubert in pursuit, and calling to her, lest she
should come unawares upon the danger spots that marked the sands.

She stood and watched the moving speck till it was lost in a band of
shadow. Then she saw it no more, and the cries ceased.

Would he be at Bannisdale before she was? She dashed away her tears, and
smiled. Ah! Let him seek her there!--let him herald her. Light broke upon
her; she began to rise from her misery.

But she must sleep a little, or she would never have the strength to
begin her walk with the dawn. For walk she would, instead of waiting for
tardy trains. She saw herself climbing the fell--she would never trust
herself to the road, the open road, where cousins might be hiding after
all--finding her way through back lanes into sleeping villages, waking
someone, getting a carriage to a point above the park, then slipping down
to the door in the garden and so entering by the chapel, when entrance
was possible. She would go straight to Augustina. Poor Augustina! there
would be little sleep for her to-night. The tears rose again in the
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